America you Lost

But it seems Moussaoui has come up short when counting his winnings. Many of us were suspicious that a life sentence for this scumbag was too lenient, we gave it a few years before lawyers and leftists lose bladder control and start advocating for his parole or better living conditions, or his toilet to be re-modelled. Well it seems it has already started.
Convicted Sept. 11 conspirator Zacarias Moussaoui says he lied on the witness stand about being involved in the terrorist plot and wants to withdraw his guilty plea and go to trial. The judge turned him down. Moussaoui said he was "extremely surprised" that he was sentenced to life in prison instead of execution and now believes he can get a fair trial from an American jury.

In a motion filed Friday but released Monday, Moussaoui said he testified on March 27 that he was supposed to hijack a fifth plane on Sept. 11, 2001, and fly it into the White House "even though I knew that was a complete fabrication."

A federal court jury spared the 37-year-old Frenchman the death penalty last Wednesday. On Thursday, U.S. District Judge Leonie Brinkema gave him six life sentences, to run as two consecutive life terms, in the federal supermax prison at Florence, Colo.

As she handed down the sentence, Brinkema told Moussaoui that he could appeal the life term but that she doubted he would win. "I believe it would an act of futility," she said. The judge also pointed out that, although he could appeal the sentence, he had lost his right to appeal his conviction when he pled guilty in April 2005. "You waived that right," she said.

On Monday, Brinkema said his request to set aside his guilty plea and go back to trial on the facts of the case was "too late" under federal rules and must be rejected.
Read the rest via OpiniPundit, while it is good that the judge rejected his whining this time, I am not confident this piece of crap will rot away till they shovel him out of his cell, decades from now.

I'm sure some leftist lawyer is tossing and turning, and burning the midnight oil to ensure this fellow can make use of some loophole somewhere to weasel his way out of jail.

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