Another letter to Lefty

A recent "Letter to Mr Lefty" that I put up here drew a lot of comments. So I am pleased to put up below a sequel by the same author

"How stupid is Mr. Lefty?."or "Why the left never gets anything right."

The following is from the blog of that avowed leftist Mr. Lefty in response to "A Letter to Mr. Lefty" recently in AWH. Mr. Lefty starts with .. "Long-winded Diatribes"

Why are we here? Will there ever be peace in the Middle East? What's the meaning oflife? Is there any circumstance in which responding to a turgid rant on Western Heart could conceivably be a good idea?"

A letter to Mr Lefty

"As regular readers of this blog will be aware, the comment threads on this blog tend to be frequented by a sour chap calling himself "Mr. Lefty". He has his own blog but I guess no-one reads it so he whines here. Another reader of the blog has got a bit fed up with him and has written a letter to him that I am pleased to post below. I do not agree with everything below but I think he makes some good points"

"So, although I never did discover who this mysterious "other reader" of A Western Heart was, I thought I'd have a bash at trying to help him understand where lefties are coming from. Give him a chance to get over some of his wacky misconceptions about us. And boy, there are plenty to go on with."

"So, although I never did discover who this mysterious "other reader" of A Western Heart was.."."If Mr I-Can't-Even-Come-Up-With-A-Pseudonym is any guide, "Oh - one question for you, while you're waiting: who wrote this? JR says "another reader" - what, he's not even going to give a nom de plume? I'm going through this for the benefit of someone who can't even come up with an online name for himself?"

No Mr. Lefty, after reading your concern I posted the following which you can read right there in the Comments. I signed my nom de blog: kman. "JR gives his contributors the option of revealing themselves if they so desire. I desire Mr. Lefty because I despise Lefists"

Now this obviously was not clear enough for Mr. Lefty who to this very day is still agonizing over "who wrote this?" Now how can anyone deny that leftists are stupid? More from Mr. Lefty's thread.

"this is what the righties genuinely believe:" "The "unabomber" was "a leftist"

I ask you Mr. Lefty - Where do I (kman) ask you to believe that the Unabomber was a leftist? If you bothered to read the 4000 plus words that I posted written by said Unabomber you would see he has nothing but contempt for leftists - so why would I ask you to believe that the Unabomber is a leftist ? The fact is HE RECKONS THAT LEFTISTS themselves believe they are losers and who are we to disagree with him?

"That if "leftists" do not accept Islamic terrorism as the sole and most important threat to the world, and do not accept that absolutely ANY alleged countermeasure is automatically justified (WHAT DO WE NEED THE RULE OF LAW FOR YOU NASTY TERRORIST-LOVER), then we must not think it is any kind of threat at all, and must actually be in favour of suicide bombers;"

"Sole "Where is the word "sole" Mr. Lefty? "

"that absolutely ANY alleged countermeasure is automatically justified"

Where exactly does it say any of that Mr. Lefty?

"Leftists" all apparently think Castro, Israel, or the CIA flew jets into those buildings in 2001 (because we're tinfoil-hat wearing conspiracy theorists);"

" all apparently think "? I just asked what you Mr. Lefty believed. I know what other leftists spout re those very same conspiracy theories.

"Apparently the Holocaust-denial movement is made up of "leftists", and David Irving and the Patriotic Youth League and other far-right Neo Nazi groups are actually "leftists" themselves;"

Once again Mr. Lefty - I just asked what you, yourself Mr. Lefty believed.

Indonesia is about to invade us;

What I actually said was "My question to Mr. Lefty is.As it's only a matter of time before we will be engaged in fighting in West Papua" So Mr. Lefty reads West Papua as `Australia" he cannot even differentiate between West Papua and Australia? Hmmm. Never mind Mr. Lefty, they will teach you the difference when you get to high school. And by the way - There is a difference between attacking and invading. Hezbollah is `attacking' Israel with rockets -Israel is `invading' Lebanon with troops. Obviously you can't even get that straight.

" then the fact that we'll need to call on the US for military assistance WOULD PROVE THAT THE CONSERVATIVES ARE RIGHT ABOUT EVERYTHING, and everyone who had ever criticised anything about US foreign policy would have to buy a hat in order to be forced to consume it;"

Where exactly Mr. Lefty do I state anything relating to any of the above? What I wrote was . if China in it's desperate need for raw materials were to start clearing out the last of the rainforests of say nearby PNG, or wiping out our fishing grounds, or drilling for oil in the Australian Antarctic Territory,- do you think we should call on the US to help, or do we bravely go it alone with our massive military (to show those Yanks) as the Labor Party is crying out for - in other words, do you support the Australian American Alliance?

. "and everyone who had ever criticised anything about US foreign policy would have to buy a hat in order to be forced to consume it;"

Sigh! Notice how Mr. Lefty once again goes off the deep end here with "everyone who had ever criticised anything" some quantum leap for most, but not for Mr. Lefty. who will never let facts get in the way of a good hydrophobic rant. Wipe the saliva off your shirt Mr. Lefty you are embarrassing yourself.

"Lefties apparently prefer the brutal undemocratic human-rights abusing dictatorship in China to the US. When we criticise the US for abusing human rights, we're apparently also applauding China for the same thing. WHEN WILL WE HYPOCRITES LEARN;"

Now Mr. Lefty your stupidity is really getting on my nerves. What I actually said was. "A recent poll taken in Australia showed that around 50% of Australians preferred the ongoing abuser of civil rights, the seller of human (prisoners) body parts, and wholesale mass murdering regime of Communist China over the United States. "

So where is there any reference to "applauding China"? And my question to you for the fifth time that you can't answer is .Why does the left march and scream obscenities against the US which has done so much for the world including keeping you little leftist butt safe so you can rant and rave against America but there is not even a peep from you when it comes to the invasion and the systematic brutality of the Tibetan people by the Chinese army? Where are all those marches and red banners protesting mad dog regimes like the maniac in Zimbabwe or the murderous North Korean government which has not only exterminated hundreds of thousands in concentration camps, but has poured all available resources into a military buildup while some two million people died of starvation? And by the way Mr. Lefty it's the United States which is sending food to these despotic regimes, so why are you and your sanctimonious human rights friends not protesting against these dirt bag dictators?-that's the question Mr. Lefty that you can't answer because it has absolutely nothing to do with your cry of "human rights" what it is plain and simple is - Hate America -so Mr. Lefty WHEN WILL YOU HYPOCRITES LEARN?

"Lefties apparently want MORE nukes out there, in the hands of North Korea and Iran and other unstable lunatic states (all that "NO NUKES" stuff is apparently a cunning bit of misdirection);"

Once again Mr. Lefty this is what I actually wrote. "Leftists who seem to hate the US so much that they can overlook the very real possibility of being vaporized have been writing to newspapers saying how unfair for the US and Australia to be criticizing Iran and North Korea in their quest for nukes. Do you Mr. Lefty believe that the US and the West should allow these rabid western hating nations to develop their nukes? And do you believe that the left is correct in their demands that the US and the other western countries give up their nuclear arsenals first, and then trust that a nuclear Iran, North Korea, Islamic Pakistan, and Russia and others western haters to give up theirs?

"(all that "NO NUKES" stuff is apparently a cunning bit of misdirection);"

Yes Mr. Lefty but the difference is the signs you are holding read "No nukes USA" but never "No nukes Iran or North Korea" Do you get it Mr .Lefty? No you don't and you never will.

"apparently a cunning bit of misdirection);"

If there is any misdirection Mr. Lefty it's in your twisted leftist mind. As Ted K said -Leftists cannot accept the truth. His beliefs are not easily modified by logic or facts. Suppose you asked leftists to make a list of ALL the things that were wrong with society, and then suppose you instituted EVERY social change that they demanded. It is safe to say that within a couple of years the majority of leftists would find something new to complain about, some new social "evil" to correct because, once again, the leftist is motivated less by distress at society's ills than by the need to satisfy his drive for power by imposing his solutions on society.

"John Howard is THE BEST PRIME MINISTER THAT THIS COUNTRY HAS EVER HAD, and if you disagree then you're in favour of UNEMPLOYMENT AND POVERTY;"

Yes Mr. Lefty but you inadvertently hit the nail on the head there with "and if you disagree then you are in favour of UNEMPLOYMENT and poverty - as we have seen from previous Labor governments. But wait Mr. Lefty favours the Greens over Labor. Now we are talking not poverty but an absolute black hole depression.!

Whenever someone does something bad and they happen not to be Anglo-Saxon, then MULTICULTURALISM IS TO BLAME FOR THEIR CRIME (not the person who had committed it) and has therefore failed the country and we should therefore resort to sensible fairness of the White Australia Policy ("I don't care if she's a highly-qualified engineer whose skills are in great demand: she's got a funny accent! Deport her!");

You see Mr. Lefty -you get sillier as we go along.. And no Mr. Lefty not something bad- VIOLENT CRIME. Usually with guns, knives or machetes - big freakin difference, and Yes Mr. Lefty -it is the ethnic person who commited it, because if it is a violent crime they will almost always not be anglo -saxon .

White Australia policy? Did some one mention white Australia policy? I sure didn't..(but it's not a bad idea) I said "The left is sold on multiculturism and today we are paying for this absurd idea that all cultures are equal. Third world migrants don't do all the crime but Lebanese Muslim and Vietnamese gangs do almost all of the most violent ones." Now if you dispute this Mr. Lefty then you haven't read a big city newspaper or watched any TV for a decade or so. And here is the kicker.-Thanks to out multicultural loving friends in the media -most attacks, ..I repeat- most attacks now have any ethnic references withheld as have police been restrained to prevent any racial profiling. If only the public knew just what the true extent of ethnic crime is by you know whom.


A matter of minutes? You sport are not just silly-you are a freakin idiot! I said in the next twenty years Sweden and Norway could possibly have a Muslim majority - but as we should have expected Mr. Lefty reads this as "in a matter of minutes." Mr. Lefty will someday make an excellent addition to the Fairfax Press. But TOWEL-HEADS? Whoa! Not very PC Mr. Lefty - Fairfax won't like that.

"In the future, hypothetically, Australia is going to be invaded by Asians and Terrorists and they're going to fire missiles at us and kill and maim INNOCENT TEENAGERS IN DANCE HALLS* and FAMILIES IN RESTAURANTS. (If they were civilised, they'd go after the GUILTY teenagers, first, but these hypothetical invaders are monsters, so their priorities are all askew.);"

Geez - I have no idea what the hell he is about here but this twit really needs professional help pronto! I really don't think high school is going to be an option for Mr. Lefty at least until he comes back to some form of reality. Future employment as Fairfax journo? - he is shoo-in.

"Because America is the pre-eminent military power in the world, we should all suck up to it all the time and be very grateful and do whatever it wants no matter what that might be and it would be perfectly understandable for America to be hurt if it received anything other than such a response AND SHAME ON YOU FOR YOUR MEAN-SPIRITED CYNICISM. If the US wants to force a self-serving free trade agreement down our throats at the behest of its administration's corporate lobbyists, then we should enthusiastically (or at least meekly) pretend that it's a wonderful thing and JUST BE GRATEFUL WE'RE NOT SPEAKING GERMAN/JAPANESE/ARABIC.""

Grateful? Leftists grateful? Sorry Mr. Lefty I would never expect a leftist to be grateful, not when you can bash America the soft target, as I stated previously. As for the free trade agreement. It was Australia that sought the free Trade Agreement. Not the United States. Australia has twenty million people the US can sell to - the USA has 300 million that Australia can sell to-who has the best deal here? ..Hmmm. Once again Mr. Lefty you have it completely wrong- but then again that's probably the story of your miserable leftist life.

"I also learned that it's impossible to respond to a long-winded diatribe in any way other than with another long-winded diatribe."

*Is this "teenagers in dance halls" remark not disarmingly quaint?

ps "tend to be frequented by" is a vicious lie. I occasionally glance at their feed in bloglines, and occasionally write a quick comment to one of their more bizarre pieces. But frequenting AWH? What a horrible thing to allege."

Yeah sure Mr. Lefty -we believe you.

So what have we learned here from Mr. Lefty? Every single one of his criticisms is not only totally off the wall they are also clearly stupid and paranoid. Not one or two - but every single one was twisted and misquoted. (Misquoted? -hell I am being generous) If you wonder where conspiracy theories originate you don't have far to look. And he never did answer the question re his and the left's violent obsessive moralising rants against the US, but never a one re any of the world's many actual human rights abusers.

He thinks that he should protest against the treatment of any Guantanomo prisoners caught fighting with the murderous Taliban who get visits from the Red cross and three squares a day plus first rate medical care. But he won't say a word against the Middle East countries that hang young girls for suspected adultery or stone a woman to death for the same reason. Torture and death by starvation are rife in many countries, including the removal of body parts for sale as in China -anyone out there see any posts or letters to newspapers from Mr. Lefty. or anyone else on the left for that matter? I haven't- so can the crap Mr. Lefty re your concern for human rights and refugees etc. You are just another American hating leftist loser who cannot even read plain English and the funny part about your blog rant re "The letter to Mr. Lefty" is that you and your pretentious pseudo intellectual dimwit friends are actually sitting around writing tee-hee posts re how stupid the mysterious Mr I-Can't-Even-Come-Up-With-A-Pseudonym is, but the reality is the fact that you and your friends are writing about things that were never said by me - they all just a product of the feeble twisted leftist mind of you Mr. Lefty. So now any credibility that any of your readers might have attributed to you is all gone down the toilet .If you cannot quote someone correctly (or even close) then you should not be a blogger because you are just wasting your readers time, and even though most of them are also leftist losers you should show them some consideration.

Wait! I think I may have been a little harsh there on Mr. Lefty after all he lives in Leftworld and speaks Left speak. Leftworld is like a parallel world where your enemies are your friends and your friends are your enemies .e.g. USA enemy - North Korea friend. `Israel enemy - Hezbollah friend. Get it?

Now cultures; Australian culture=enemy - Muslim culture=friend. Left speak "Twenty years means "matter of minutes". "Papua New Guinea" means "Australia." "Attack" means "invade. Australia requests a free trade agreement with the US, this translates in Left speak to mean "US wants to force a self-serving free trade agreement down our throats"

Mr. Lefty what do you think of the US being the worlds policeman? In Left speak this question asks "we should all suck up to it all the time and be very grateful and do whatever it wants no matter what that might be and it would be perfectly understandable for America to be hurt if it received anything other than such a response AND SHAME ON YOU FOR YOUR MEAN-SPIRITED CYNICISM."

A hypothetical question means ""In the future, hypothetically, Australia is going to be invaded by Asians and Terrorists and they're going to fire missiles at us and kill and maim INNOCENT TEENAGERS IN DANCE HALLS* and FAMILIES IN RESTAURANTS. (If they were civilised, they'd go after the GUILTY teenagers, first, but these hypothetical invaders are monsters, so their priorities are all askew.);"

"Believe "in Left speak means "That if "leftists" do not accept Islamic terrorism as the sole and most important threat to the world, and do not accept that absolutely ANY alleged countermeasure is automatically justified (WHAT DO WE NEED THE RULE OF LAW FOR YOU NASTY TERRORIST-LOVER), then we must not think it is any kind of threat at all, and must actually be in favour of suicide bombers;"

If you are confused read a few leftist blogs and you will soon understand. It's really amazing how they do it..

SIGNED .KMAN Known to Mr. Lefty as.Mr I-Can't-Even-Come-Up-With-A-Pseudonym.

P.S. I dedicate the following to you Mr. Lefty.

"Muslims are not our only problem. The useful idiots of the West are just as dangerous as Muslims. You must fear intellectual terrorists such as Noam Chomsky, John Esposito and other shameless pseudo intellectuals and unscrupulous politicians who defend Islam just as much as you would despise and fear Zarqawi or Bin Laden. I often receive emails from some westerners who try to enumerate all the centuries old wrongs of the West to justify the Muslim crimes. I feel so enraged and disgusted by them that I hardly finish reading what they scribble. These people, who mostly are leftists, are ignorant and ignorance is the mother of all evil. They are traitors and therefore must be feared more than the Muslims who don't hide their enmity with mankind."..

Right speak- "Mr. Lefty" means - Muddled multiculturist denier of his heritage. Greens lover - America hater.


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