Garrett brings the knife

For Rudd to shove into the backs of the left. Just the other day, Rudd was sending clear signals to the teachers unions that their crazy schemes wouldn’t wash with him. Now, it’s time to quash any greenie wet-dreams over Garrett being handed a spot on the Labor front bench.
Mr Garrett said he would argue against an expansion of uranium mining when Labor debates changing its “no new mines” policy at next April's national conference.
But Garrett also said, he would abide by party policy on uranium mining, in other words he’ll have a good whinge at the conference but when it’s time to lay it on the line, he’ll fall in with the rest of the party.

It’ll be sucking on lemons and gnashing of teeth over on the left over this. I read somewhere that Kevin Rudd is a lot like John Howard, perhaps the left will find out the hard way that, like there is no place for them in Howard’s Australia, there may not be much in Rudd’s Australia either.

How I love the sound of gnashing over on the left in the morning!!

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