pure as the driven slush

Hillary caught on charity tax scheme

DEMOCRAT senator Hillary Clinton failed to disclose a family charity she operates with former president Bill Clinton that has enabled the couple to write offmore than $US5 million ($6.3 million) in taxable income since 2001.
The US Ethics in Government Act requires members of Congress to disclose positions they hold with any outside entity, including non-profit foundations.

But in successive annual Senate disclosure forms, Senator Clinton has failed to report the foundation, established in 2001, or her position as treasurer and secretary, The Washington Post reported yesterday.

"The Clintons are plowing new ground. Ethics and election laws should keep pace. Never before has the spouse of a former president run for president. One of the reasons for disclosure forms is to ensure no improper influences are exerted on public officials by outside groups, or governments. Among those for whom Clinton spoke were a Saudi Arabia investment firm ($600,000 for two speeches), a Chinese real estate firm, run by a Communist Party official ($200,000), and a Toronto company, founded by a Kenyan immigrant who was convicted of stock fraud and barred for life from the brokerage business ($650,000 in 2005 and an undisclosed sum last year). The public needs to know more about their backgrounds."

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