Green Ads Ensure No One Gets The Message

By AR - TrinityP3 has some useful information for companies wishing to maintain their green credentials. They have worked out that advertising on popular TV shows carries a higher carbon-footprint than unwatched TV shows. They have a provided a handy table to assist handwringing marketers in their decision making.

TrintyP3 Managing Director Darren Wolley advises,
"Companies claiming carbon neutrality should ensure they also include the impact of their marketing and advertising initiatives, which produce significant carbon emissions, to avoid any accusation of Greenwashing. TrinityP3 is currently formalising a standard carbon footprint measurement of advertising.

"This is the first measurement on the impact of advertisements in the world and we will be speaking on our methodology at an international conference in Boston in October.

"Most companies have been obliged to think through their strategies on reducing carbon emissions and they need to remember that their marketing strategies do have an environmental impact that needs to be included. This is not something that is easily able to be measured."
So it's clear. Companies or, say, government propaganda campaigns, which want to stay green better make sure they advertise where no one is watching.

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