Cartoonist Ted Rall amps up the abuse of the Tea Partiers

Ted is in quite a serious mood but it's still all just assertions below, of course. He has no evidence for his claims. But that's par for the course among Leftists. Like their National Socialist predecessors in 1930s Germany, they believe that if you shout a big enough lie often enough people will believe it.

What's crooked about Ted is that he uses the word "Fascist" while closing his eyes to what was basic to Fascism. The ONE thing that nobody disputes about Fascism is that it stands for enormous government power over the population -- The biggest of big government, in other words. So according to Ted Rall, the Tea Partiers must be advocates of big government. That their central theme is OPPOSITION to big government doesn't seem to matter to him.

It's not entirely his fault, however. He has obviously made an effort and looked up what a Leftist historian and an Italian novelist say about Fascism. That Leftist historians glide over the inconvenient bits about Fascism is just what one expects of people who believe that "There is no such thing as right and wrong", of course.

I could go on and point out, for example, that unlike Fascists, Tea Partiers don't have any leader at all, let alone a charismatic one -- and that Tea Partiers oppose socialism rather than embrace it -- but what's the point? Ted has his little fancied resemblances and to hell with the basic facts of the matter!
"Certainly a sizable minority of Tea Partiers' "take America back" rhetoric is motivated by thinly disguised resentment that a black guy is president. As for the remainder, their tacit tolerance of the intolerant speaks for itself. "Take America back" from whom? You know whom. It ain't white CEOs.

Yes. The Tea Party is racist. Obviously.

But racism is only one facet of a far more sinister political strain. It's more accurate to categorize the Tea Party as something the United States has never seen before, certainly not in such large numbers or as widespread.

The Tea Party is a protofascist movement.


If you want a detailed survey of what Mussolini's Fascism was see here. If you want a detailed survey of what Hitler'a Nazism was see here. And if you want to find out where both of them got their ideas from, see here.

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