More Tsunami Trivialities

Well, it's not like the MSM should be reporting solely on the huge cost to humanity brought by this disaster, or anything...

Not when there's America-bashing to be done.

Go to Google News, and type in the searchwords "US" and "Stingy".

You'll get around 3,000 hits, 95% of which are related to the original multi-million dollar original pledge (which has since been increased) by the United States to help with humanitarian efforts in Tsunami-affected areas.

Now type in "France" and "Stingy". You'll get around 100 results, and all of them relating to French people who have publicly declared that the US aid commitment was far too stingy.

The original French commitment to the entire disaster?


That's just a nose past Tasmania's pledge of $150,000.

(All figures are in $AUD)

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