War crimes, Terrorists, Justice under lefties and Bloody metrosexuals!

FOX News - The internecine fight between Hamas and Fatah has gotten ugly — at least for Palestinians who favor men with mustaches. Hamas has resumed its policy of shaving the mustaches of rival Fatah members to humiliate them as a form of punishment, The Jerusalem Post reported. [snip] Fatah officials renewed their allegations Wednesday, according to the Jerusalem Post, which said Hamas, in turn, claimed followers' beards had been sabotaged by Fatah officials.
Imagine this was being done by the US at camp Gitmo, imagine they shaved the terrorists beards to make em' sing, the lefties would have been screaming, IMPEACH! IMPEACH! WAR CRIMES, GENOCIDE, IMPEACH BUSH! After all they're already pulling their hair out because female interrogators are rubbing their thighs against the bodies of pious jihadists at Gitmo, the horror!

While I'm on the subject of lefties, let's have a look at how the lefties running Britain punish rapists, murderers, thieves, robbers and other such criminal scum. I often say lefties love coddling criminals among other things, well here is even more proof.
Daily Mail - The Prison Service has spent £221,726 [of taxpayers money] on PlayStation, Xbox and Nintendo systems and software to keep jailed criminals entertained. Ministers have previously admitted spending only £10,000 on the machines. An audit carried out last month on Justice Secretary Jack Straw’s orders turned up 12,948 game consoles in prisons and young-offender institutions in England and Wales, showing how widespread their use is among the 83,600 prison population. While most of them were bought by inmates themselves, a total of 1,715, costing between £100 and £300 each, was provided by the Prison Service. [snip] It was disclosed recently that thousands of inmates have access to Sky TV and computers, and last week it was revealed that more money is spent on food for prisoners in police cells than for NHS patients.
That's the National Health Service, so you lot in Britain drag yourselves off to work and back every day so that you can earn a crust and through your taxes fund the "free" healthcare system provided by the loving, caring state. Doesn't it give you a nice warm feeling knowing that the arrogant, indifferent state cares more for criminals than it does for you. That on its own shouldn't be too bad, but they're using your money to do it, a bit like heaping salt and pieces of glass onto your wounds and then rubbing them in. That would make me want to vote for anyone but leftie Labour, hint-hint.

More on leftist men, alright the article doesn't say lefties, but come on, no Conservative man would do crap like this to himself and no Conservative woman would foist this nonsense upon her man. Why she'd probably employ the old underrated boot-to-ass therapy on him if he were to even entertain such metrosexual nonsense.
Daily Mail - It is a complaint usually associated with teenage girls but the number of men being treated for the eating disorder anorexia has gone up by 67 per cent in the past five years. The increase is being blamed partly on the rising popularity of lifestyle magazines for men featuring pictures of trim sportsmen such as David Beckham. Official figures for England show that 137 men suffering the most severe cases of anorexia saw specialists in the past year – up from 82 during 2001/02. Experts say the figure is just the tip of the iceberg as it reflects only those whose treatment is so vital that it could save their lives.
In other news from the loathed-by-liberals FOX News - Al Qaeda has posted a statement on the Internet saying four of its Afghanistan commanders have been killed, including an explosives expert wanted by the U.S. Washington posted a $5 million reward for Abu Khabab al-Masri. He is accused of training terrorists to use poisons and explosives. He is also believed to have trained suicide bombers who killed 17 American sailors on the USS Cole in Yemen in 2000.

A nice way to end the weekend I think, so long terrorist slimeballs, hope it was really slow, very uncomfortable and incredibly painful. Kind regards, write soon, Allah Akbar and all that.

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